Zero Employees, Work 2 Hours A Day. Build A 7-Figure Digital Business.

I have been using the Zero Employees Model to build my digital business that allows me to get customers from all around the world. In simple terms, if you prioritize having a business that generates consistent monthly income online while also allowing you ample time to spend with your loved ones (and yourself), I am excited to offer you my Zero Employees Entrepreneur Course absolutely free of charge.

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How Operation Zero Employees (ZE) Was Created Out Of Necessity To Achieve Freedom, While Still Being Able To Build A 7-Figure Business

I started back in 2003 but only created ZE in 2015, after 12 years later. Here's the video about ZE, the back story of it...

About Patric Chan

Patric Chan is a well-known expert in creating online businesses and earning money online. He has shared his knowledge in 12 countries as a speaker, including countries like the United States, UK, China, Singapore, Australia and Malaysia. For 7 years, he's been awarded with the ClickBank Platinum award, demonstrated unparalleled proficiency in affiliate marketing, establishing himself as a leader in this industry. His profound insights and strategies have empowered countless individuals to achieve financial success and independence. He has written 3 best-selling books, one including co-author with New York Times best-selling author, Robert G. Allen. Authority sites like CNN,, and Forbes have featured Patric's work and he has also been in featured in an entrepreneurial book about business success with other public figures like Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy and T. Harv Eker. What truly sets Patric apart is the breadth of testimonials he receives - from ordinary individuals who have found success through his teachings to industry experts, public figures, and millionaires, the range of people who endorse Patric's methods and insights speaks volumes of his strategies and teachings.

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